Quick Start for justiceBRD?

Quick Start for justiceBRD?

To get going fast read the brief overview steps below.

Before you can access any cases, create your own cases or view any output from our machine learning model, you must first 'Register' with justiceBRD.

You will need to provide us with a valid email address but please be assured we only need this to help maintain the security of our site, and we promise we will not use your email address for any other purpose, and will not share it with anyone else, for any purpose, ever.

When you register we will send you a confirmation email containing a link that you must follow in order to confirm your email address and complete your registration. If you don't receive this email, please check your junk/spam email folders first, but if you still can't find it Contact us and we will help you get going.


Click the Sign In/Register link at the top of the page and, if you are not already registered, complete the Register form by providing you First Name, Last Name, Email and a Password and then click the Register button. All fields are required.

An email will be sent to the address you provided with a link to validate your email address and complete your registration. We will never send you spam, share your email address with anyone else, or user your email for any purpose other than justiceBRD.

To sign you will need your email address and the password you registered with. If you forget your password use the 'Forgotten password' link (see below for an explanation). Click the Sign In/Register link at the top of the page, enter your email address and password, and click the 'Sign in' button.

If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgotten password' button on the 'Sign in/Register' page (selected from the top menu), enter the email address you registered with, and click 'Reset password'. You will be sent an email with a link allowing you to create a new password, after which you can sign in as usual.

All the cases used to train our machine learning model, and those used to test the model, can be viewed by clicking the 'Show cases' button on the home page, or the 'Show cases' option under the 'Cases' menu at the top of any page.

To view the evidence strands for a case, click the 'Evidence' icon for that case. This will display the Prosecution and Defence strands of evidence for the case. To see how any evidence strand was assessed, click the 'Answers' button for that strand. Clicking the 'Answers' button again will close the answer view for that strand, as will clicking the 'Answers' button for any other evidence strand.

You may feel we have not adequately represented the evidence strands for a case, or you may disagree with our assessment of that evidence. If so then you can take a copy of a case by clicking the 'Clone' button next to that case in the 'Show cases' list. This will create your own exact copy of the case, including all of the evidence strands and assessments.

As the owner of this cloned case you will be able to edit it (click the 'Edit' button next to the case to change the case name, or click the 'Evidence' button to edit the evidence strands and assessments) or delete it (click the 'Delete' button next to the case). You can only delete or edit cases that you own. You can only view all other cases. Cases you own will not be visible to other users.

If you would like to enter a case of your own and process it through our machine learning model, click the 'Create case' button on the home page, or the 'Create new case' option from the 'Cases' menu at the top of any page, or the 'Create new case' button at the top right of the 'Show cases' list. You will be prompted to enter a name for the case (e.g. use the name of the convicted person) and can then enter evidence strands for the prosecution and the defence, and assess each strand by answering the questions when prompted.

If you register on justiceBRD we will ask you for your email address so we can send you a confirmation email. We will never share your email address with any third party or individual. We will never send you SPAM. If your forget your password we will use your email address to send you instructions for obtaining a new password. We will not use your email address for any other purpose.

© 2017-2025 J, S & C Mitchell enquiries@justicebrd.com